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What Do The 5 Platonic Solids Represent?

5 Platonic Solids Meaning

Platonic Solids, also known as Cosmic Solids, represent the 5 elements that exist in nature-- Earth, fire, water, air, and the universe (ether). The ancient Greek were the first recorded to be studying Platonic Solids, with Plato deeply focusing on this area of Geometry.
For a shape to be a Platonic Solid it needs to be a polyhedron where each face is a regular congruent polygon with the same number of faces meeting at each corner, or vertex. There are only 5 true Platonic Solids, each being the only perfectly symmetrical 3-dimensional forms possible. Plato hypothesized that these 5 shapes are the "building blocks" of our world. Using Platonic Solids and other methods of Sacred Geometry we can explore our individual relationship to the entirety of the universe.

The 5 Platonic Solids

1. Hexahedron

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Element: Earth

Hexahedron Properties: The Hexahedron, also known as a cube, has 12 edges, 6 faces, and 8 corners

Shop Hexahedron crystals here

2. Octahedron

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Element: Air

Octahedron Properties: The Octahedron has 12 edges, 8 faces, and 6 corners. 

Shop Octahedron crystals here

3. Dodecahedron

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Element: Universe or Ether

Dodecahedron Properties: The Dodecahedron has 30 edges, 12 faces, and 20 corners. 

4. Tetrahedron

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Element: Fire

Tetrahedron Properties: The Tetrahedron, also known as a triangular pyramid, has 6 edges, 4 faces, and 4 corners. 

Shop Tetrahedron crystals here

5. Icosahedron

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Element: Water

Icosahedron Properties: The Icosahedron has 30 edges, 20 faces, and 12 corners. 

Platonic Solids Sacred Geometry & Spiritual Meaning

Sacred Geometry is the principle that studies the reoccurrence of geometric shapes that guide nature's structures and the spiritual meaning behind those patterns. Sacred Geometry can span everything from a snowflake structure to the spiral of a snail shell.

Platonic Solids are considered very important in Sacred Geometry and each of the 5 have their own powerful metaphysical properties. 

Hexahedron Metaphysical Properties: Connects with the Earth element and symbolizes grounding and steady personal development.

Octahedron Metaphysical Properties: Connects with the air element and brings graceful energy and assists in unifying the physical and metaphysical.

Dodecahedron Metaphysical Properties: Connects to the ether element and brings universal wisdom and aids in manifestation.

Tetrahedron Metaphysical Properties: Connects with the fire element and assists in spiritual growth and connecting with your higher self.

Icosahedron Metaphysical Properties: Connects with the water element and brings balance to energy fields and aids us in transformation.

Platonic Solids Crystals

Platonic Solid Crystals are an amazing way to show appreciation for the nature we are so blessed to live among. Using different metaphysical tools like crystals, we can use Platonic Solids to honor and express gratitude for the elements of the universe.

The different shapes of Platonic Solids are also powerful for crystal manifesting and energy work. In grid work, a pyramid, or tetrahedron, can emit the energy of the grid up and out into the environment it was created in.

If you want to honor the sacred patterns of the universe, platonic crystal sets will look amazing in any space and emit the energy of your intentions.

Shop All Crystal Platonic Sets:

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